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Drawing Secret Santa

Enter participants' data

How to make a Secret Santa

  1. Enter the name and email of each participant.
  2. Click drawing secret santa. Ready!
  3. The site will hold a random draw, generate the result and send the friend drawn for each informed email.

Drawing Secret Santa

The secret santa is a popular joke of gift-giving between people. The person in which a participant will present is defined by a random draw, the result of the draw must be kept secret until the day of the gift exchange.

If you prefer a complete tool, access the Amigão Secreto "which offers a complete platform for your secret friend with participation of children, the elderly and animals without email or facebook.

The meeting scheduled for the exchange of gifts of the secret friend is marked by surprises and games. The participant revealing his secret friend will give clues to that other participants try to guess who their secret so the relaxed and mysterious event.

The Secret Santa is a very common joke at the end of the year, especially at the time Christmas with friends and family, also widely used in companies and schools by the own employees or students. Making a secret friend is a lot of fun, create yours now.

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